Thursday, July 26, 2007

Brag on Todd!

So I should have named this site family not girls:) I just want to brag on Todd really quick. He was promoted last week to Chef Manager!! I am so happy for him, he has worked really hard and deserves it.
Pic of Todd in front of his new restaurant with the girls:)

Friday, July 20, 2007

Maya's first hamburger

Here is a picture of her holding her first hamburger. I did make it healthy with cheese and avocado on it:)

What a morning!

I want to cry and smile at the same time. This morning we were going to go to Willow Bend to a kids activity where she would get to make her own pretzel at Auntie Anne's. Kylie absolutely loves soft pretzels. So we get everything together, get in the car, and Nothing.. It won't start the battery is so dead I cannot even get it in neutral to push out of the garage to have my neighbor jump me. So I get the battery out of the car, call my neighbor, no answer So I put the girls in the sit and stand stroller, bungee cord the battery to it, and we walk the mile + down to the AutoZone. Get home, get the battery in the car and put back together go and try and start it, Nothing!! Aurg.. well apparently it works better when you take the little black plastic caps off the battery before installing it :) Kylie is so bummed about the pretzels, but oh well. It was still a neat experience with her because when I told her the car was broken she replied "I know, I idea, need a screwdriver!" If life was that simple. I ended up having some really nice time with the girls this morning..

Saturday, July 14, 2007


It is barely 8am and both the girls have milestoned this morning :)
Kylie has been potty trained for some time but we still wear pullups most nights. She is also to short to open her bedroom door so at night she knocks on the door to have us open it. Last night she asked me to leave the door open, which I did. This morning I hear her knocking on her door, I thought she had probably accidentally pushed it shut. Her door was still open like I left it but there she is knocking, in a pair of panties. I look over to the bathroom where her pajamas and pullup lay on the floor. She got up went to the potty, went back in her room put on a pair of panties and then decided to knock on the door to tell me she wanted up:) Too cute and such a big girl!
Now Maya J... she was up twice last night, argh, she is teething. But she woke up and has been doing the "O" sound all morning. She has figured out how to purse her lips and make the noise, I tried to take a picture but my battery died. She has also mastered the drop game. I just thought I'd throw that in there.
Big girls!!

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Noodle and a peck!

When Kylie was just a baby I realized that mom's are supposed to sing they're kids songs. Well, I didn't know any. One night I found myself singing her the jingle from the Diasy sourcream commercial and realized how silly that might seem in years to come. Well my mother in law, Linda, otherwise know as grama, me maw, ma ma, however Kylie pronounces it depending on the day, would say to her " a bushel and a peck". Next thing I know it is the middle of the night, Kylie is fussy and I start singing to her...
I love you a bussel and a peck, yes I do, yes I do
I love you a bussel and a peck, yes I do, yes I do
I love you a bussel and a peck, yes I do, yes I do..
As you can tell it is a very deep and well thought out lyrics:)

This little song has become part of our night time routine. It has been named "Au Jus", yes like the sauce:) Kylie would say Au Jus instead of Love you.
She now sings it to Maya but this is Kylie's version...
I wub you a noodle and a peck yes I do yes I do :)

I love my girls:)!!!

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Kylie's 3rd birthday April 2007

Our gift to her was a swingset Todd spent the last month building so we had a swingset party! We invited a bunch of family and friends, cooked ribs and brisket, yum! I even ventured in making the cake which amazingly turned out pretty well. Kylie played hard and crashed hard.

Maya 9 month stats May 2007

Weight- 16lbs 5 oz
Height- 26.3 inches

She has officially graduated from the pulmonologist. The doc said she has outgrown the apnea and only have to go back if we have problems. No more monitor alarms!!