Saturday, July 14, 2007


It is barely 8am and both the girls have milestoned this morning :)
Kylie has been potty trained for some time but we still wear pullups most nights. She is also to short to open her bedroom door so at night she knocks on the door to have us open it. Last night she asked me to leave the door open, which I did. This morning I hear her knocking on her door, I thought she had probably accidentally pushed it shut. Her door was still open like I left it but there she is knocking, in a pair of panties. I look over to the bathroom where her pajamas and pullup lay on the floor. She got up went to the potty, went back in her room put on a pair of panties and then decided to knock on the door to tell me she wanted up:) Too cute and such a big girl!
Now Maya J... she was up twice last night, argh, she is teething. But she woke up and has been doing the "O" sound all morning. She has figured out how to purse her lips and make the noise, I tried to take a picture but my battery died. She has also mastered the drop game. I just thought I'd throw that in there.
Big girls!!

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