Thursday, October 16, 2008

The 2 year old diaper change

The routine, the tantrums, the determination to get they're way, the kicking, the flailing, all of these turn simple 45 second event into a full body on body, kicking and screaming, 10 minute ordeal. I guess if I just let her have her way she will eventually get tired of the soggy stinking diaper she has been wearing the last 12 hours as she slept but honestly I can't stand the smell, the soggyness when I pick her up, and having to deal with a nasty diaper rash later.
So what we have is this event. Now I have tried to make it her idea, 'pick a spot Maya', 'lets go get your diaper changed Maya', 'want to go get the wipes Maya'. For awhile it worked now we are too the stage where I chase her down, pick her up under the arms at an arms length as she proceeds to scream and kick, but I don't get kicked because I keep her at a distance :) I then lay her down, hand her the wipe to hold take the diaper off.. now at this point everything seems ok, now comes the difficult part.. getting a new diaper on. You see she has an opinion about it all. first the way you wipe, then alot of the time she wants to decide whether she wants a cloth or diposable diaper. Then the flailing, contorting, swinging every which way begins. Evenually after all of it you get on the diaper, it may not be staight, even, or in one piece but it is on. Boy I wish she would potty train.

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