Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Saturday, April 19, 2008


With all the happenings this week with Kylie in the hospital and the craziness surrounding it, it appears Maya has weaned without a peep. It is a bit sad to me really, it was a special time that only she and I had, it forced me to sit and be still with her at bed time and relax. I had fully intended to wean around a year, but she was still so high needs and getting up multiple times a night, so I thought 13 months is ok, then around 14 months it became only night time feedings before bed, and then not even every night. Somehow it turned into 20 months!! It is hard to believe that my baby girl is, well a toddler and might I add she is so darn cute! I am grateful I did decide to nurse her and push through the tough times, there were definitely days early on when a bottle of formula sounded like heaven, but now knowing she is allergic to milk I am glad I didn’t. I just hope and pray that she remains as healthy as she is and maybe she might be able to dodge Celiacs.
I love you my sweet Maya J!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Kylie's hospital stay..

Here are some pics from Kylie’s hospital stay. She became dehydrated after her surgery. I had already typed the whole story out and then ‘lil miss Maya came along and hit the ‘Esc’ button and cleared my screen…

Monday, April 14, 2008


Well, we have made it to monday morning, unfortunatly has not been a good weekend. Kylie is officially dehydrated and we are headed to the hospital for fluids and possible admission. We thought about taking her in last night but needed to make sure we had someone available to care for Maya today. Keep her in your prayers!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Bday list for Kylie

Several people have begun asking about what to get Kylie for her birthday. We don't need anything!! But here are a few ideas...
~We are getting her dance lessons for her bday, and we are going to need shoes and leotard things I just don't know the type or color yet.
~Preschool/Kindergarten workbook learning books
~For clothes- 4T bottoms, 4T/4-5 tops, 8 shoe
~Chalk, playdoh, chalkboard eraser
~She does not yet have a bathing suit for this year

Well there are some ideas:) I will post more on this post as I think of things!


First I want to say, some people amaze me. I have been blessed to have people in my life that are truly amazing. Some ladies I know have gotten together and coordinated some meals for us while Kylie recovers. A friend of mine even helped with some grocery shopping! It has been such a blessing!

Kylie spiked a fever last night of 103! Why do these things always happen at 2am about the time Maya wakes up screaming for no apparent reason? Is that a law of physics? LOL. I was evicted from our bed for a bit, Kylie crawled in with us, but between the 3 inches of bed that I had and the heat radiating off of her I went and slept in her bed for an hour or so.

We hope that each day gets just a bit better but I have a feeling today is going to be similar to yesterday. Please pray for patience. The toughest thing right now is the two of them. Maya wants to play and go about normal stuff, and Kylie does not want Maya within 20 ft of her. She says that Maya needs a time out, I tell her Maya has done nothing wrong, so she informs me it is time for Maya's nap. Ah the joys! LOL

Saturday, April 12, 2008


Challenging?? Is that what I said today would be, challenging sounds good about now!

Friday, April 11, 2008

Kylie's surgery

Well after a long day I am finally getting some pictures and an update up. Her surgery went very well, she woke up much better this time, but still is tough to see your child like that. As a parent I just want to take it all away for her, it is such a helpless feeling.
She is on her pain meds and feeling pretty good right now, somehow I have a feeling tomarrow maybe a pretty challenging day:)
A few pics of our day..

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Schwartzy's surgery

I am not even kidding, I wish I was. This evening at bed time (we let Kylie stay up late) Schwartzy is no where to be found, after 45mins of looking I think maybe, just maybe that our dog might have snatch it. I grab a flashlight, walk in to the back yard, sure enough there in the middle of the yard lay Schwartzy amazingly in tack except his foot:( Kylie was a little upset, but more upset by it being wet with slobber. So after I finished his surgery he is now in the washer, I promised I would bring him and tuck him in with her as soon as he was all clean. It has been that kind of day!

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Day in the life of Kylie and Maya

Kylie gets up too early to take a pic of her getting up so we started as she ate breakfast. On the Menu: Waffle with cinnamon sugar, yogurt, and strawberries. Impressive bedhead:)

Maya what a mess!

Kylie watching Super Why while I cleaned up breakfast..

At the park..

In the car leaving the park, we went to McD's to meet a friend for lunch

At McDonalds with Preston, what else but nuggets, fries, and apples for lunch!

Maya napping

Kylie playing with Play Doh..

Maya's awake!!

Now Kylie's asleep,,

Maya helping with dinner; on the menu- spaghetti(corn pasta) with mushrooms and asparagus and a spinach salad..

Getting ready for bed

Quick game of hide and seek before bed

Kylie hanging with Daddy

Kylie and Me (its been a long day, excuse my red eyes:))

Kylie's photo skills, taking a pic of us..

Kylie with her best friend:)


Now everyone is asleep, I don't dare take anymore pics!! Thanks for looking at our day!!

Thursday, April 03, 2008

Maya update

I have been meaning to get an update on Maya so I am sitting down to do it!!
She is growing so quickly, she has lost alot of the 'baby' in her and is more of a toddler. She is doing really well on her talking, I can understand what she says atleast:)
Night Night
No No
Mama and there are probably several more I can't think of right now.
She really likes taking thinks apart and putting them together, she likes shape pieces, pretends to cook with my pots and pans:) She is definately learning alot from big sis!
She is well, shall we call her stong willed, a mama's girl, and opinionated. She can use a fork and spoon to eat and is wanting to sit on the potty although not quite ready to use it. She also wants to stand on the stool in front of the sink to wash her hands and wants to brush her own teeth!

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Kylie's joke of the day

k-Where does the easter bunny eat??
t-I don't know where
k-IHOP, hehehe get it daddy IHOP

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Kylie sleep study update

We met with the doctor this morning to go over the results from Kylie's sleep study. As expected she has sleep apnea and he recommended to remove her tonsils and adnoids. Our initial thought going into the appointment was to wait until the end of May when her preschool was over for the school year. After seeing the results, hearing the numbers, and the doctors recommendation we have decided to have them done sooner. So her surgery has been scheduled for the morning of April 11th. Please keep her in your prayers that the surgery goes smoothly, she has an easy recovery and this solves her sleep issues.