Sunday, April 13, 2008


First I want to say, some people amaze me. I have been blessed to have people in my life that are truly amazing. Some ladies I know have gotten together and coordinated some meals for us while Kylie recovers. A friend of mine even helped with some grocery shopping! It has been such a blessing!

Kylie spiked a fever last night of 103! Why do these things always happen at 2am about the time Maya wakes up screaming for no apparent reason? Is that a law of physics? LOL. I was evicted from our bed for a bit, Kylie crawled in with us, but between the 3 inches of bed that I had and the heat radiating off of her I went and slept in her bed for an hour or so.

We hope that each day gets just a bit better but I have a feeling today is going to be similar to yesterday. Please pray for patience. The toughest thing right now is the two of them. Maya wants to play and go about normal stuff, and Kylie does not want Maya within 20 ft of her. She says that Maya needs a time out, I tell her Maya has done nothing wrong, so she informs me it is time for Maya's nap. Ah the joys! LOL

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