Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Day in the life of Kylie and Maya

Kylie gets up too early to take a pic of her getting up so we started as she ate breakfast. On the Menu: Waffle with cinnamon sugar, yogurt, and strawberries. Impressive bedhead:)

Maya what a mess!

Kylie watching Super Why while I cleaned up breakfast..

At the park..

In the car leaving the park, we went to McD's to meet a friend for lunch

At McDonalds with Preston, what else but nuggets, fries, and apples for lunch!

Maya napping

Kylie playing with Play Doh..

Maya's awake!!

Now Kylie's asleep,,

Maya helping with dinner; on the menu- spaghetti(corn pasta) with mushrooms and asparagus and a spinach salad..

Getting ready for bed

Quick game of hide and seek before bed

Kylie hanging with Daddy

Kylie and Me (its been a long day, excuse my red eyes:))

Kylie's photo skills, taking a pic of us..

Kylie with her best friend:)


Now everyone is asleep, I don't dare take anymore pics!! Thanks for looking at our day!!

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